
My Open Publishing Space

Create, Share and Collaborate


The Quark theme has the ability to allow pages to override some of the default options by letting the user set body_classes for any page. The theme will merge the combination of the defaults with any body_classes set. This allows you to easily add hero classes to give your blog post some bling.

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The blog skeleton also supports Daring Fireball style link posts. Simply add a link setting in your page header:


And your blog title becomes a link directly to that link you specified. Easy peasy!

Metal type

The Quark theme is the new default theme for Grav built with Spectre.css the lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. Spectre provides basic styles for typography, elements, and a responsive layout system that utilizes best practices and consistent language design.

Spray painted portrait of Albert Einstein

Lorem markdownum credas animos nec Phoeboque; de iuris creverat et finis ad remis. Mox hanc innixus actum dabitur Amorum; esse erat paventem. Cum sole deque manu memores neu aurea sit est, ira.

Modern building

Lorem markdownum timore in, dant litora texit late fecisse. Sinistra ad exhausta habet Oenopiam, Iphis Tydides concipit qui peream? De se per, clamore patrios fletu ademit illam ventris quas liceatque murice, accipiter parva ingesta.

Plant, which blurs into the distance

Lorem markdownum incessere hostem coronae properant. Perque matrem sic flammiferis venit memorabat pompa, esse per. Non cura dicere: est arguitur lenisque, neganda hosti iussit suis fagus supplex; miremur aena. Pastum patri, misit tenui erile conciderant dictis me mora!